Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
1025 | Tortricodes alternella ? | 1 | |
1926 | Phigalia pilosaria | Pale Brindled Beauty | 1 |
1930 | Biston strataria | Oak Beauty | 1 |
1934 | Agriopis marginaria | Dotted Border | 1 |
At least I know what the next one is!
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
1025 | Tortricodes alternella ? | 1 | |
1926 | Phigalia pilosaria | Pale Brindled Beauty | 1 |
1930 | Biston strataria | Oak Beauty | 1 |
1934 | Agriopis marginaria | Dotted Border | 1 |
Year | Total No Moths | Macro Species | Micro Species |
2001 | 1126 | 130 | 8 |
2002 | 942 | 96 | 5 |
2003 | 5801 | 185 | 56 |
2004 | 10399 | 248 | 89 |
2005 | 12538 | 251 | 84 |
2006 | 23124 | 279 | 82 |
2007 | 13120 | 231 | 60 |
2008 | 17563 | 237 | 63 |
2009 | 26938 | 278 | 80 |
2010 | 22577 | 275 | 86 |
2011 | 17741 | 285 | 100 |
2012 | 18387 | 258 | 131 |
2013 | 31796 | 283 | 138 |
2014 | 42792 | 278 | 154 |
2015 | 27771 | 285 | 145 |
2016 | 27349 | 271 | 122 |
2017 | 37113 | 299 | 146 |
2018 | 46338 | 319 | 173 |
2019 | 35589 | 290 | 144 |
Total | 419004 |
03.001 |
Orange Swift |
03.002 |
Common Swift |
03.005 |
Ghost Moth |
07.015 |
Nematopogon swammerdamella |
12.010 |
Morophaga choragella |
12.045 |
Opogona omoscopa |
15.006 |
Caloptilia rufipennella |
16.005 |
Willow Ermine |
16.019 |
Paraswammerdamia albicapitella |
17.005 |
Ypsolopha scabrella |
17.010 |
Ypsolopha parenthesella |
18.001 |
Diamond-back Moth |
18.003 |
Plutella porrectella |
18.007 |
Eidophasia messingiella |
19.010 |
Digitivalva pulicariae |
19.011 |
Leek Moth |
20.005 |
Argyresthia trifasciata |
20.011 |
Argyresthia brockeella |
20.018 |
Argyresthia spinosella |
20.019 |
Apple Fruit Moth |
22.002 |
Ash Bud Moth |
22.003 |
Prays ruficeps |
25.001 |
Hawthorn Moth |
27.001 |
Oegoconia quadripuncta |
28.008 |
Metalampra italica |
28.009 |
White-shouldered House-moth |
28.010 |
Brown House-moth |
28.012 |
Borkhausenia fuscescens |
28.014 |
Crassa unitella |
28.015 |
Batia lunaris |
28.024 |
Tachystola acroxantha |
31.001 |
Carcina quercana |
32.017 |
Agonopterix arenella |
32.018 |
Agonopterix heracliana |
32.031 |
Agonopterix alstromeriana |
32.035 |
Agonopterix yeatiana |
32.036 |
Parsnip Moth |
33.002 |
Ethmia quadrillella |
33.004 |
Ethmia terminella |
33.006 |
Ethmia bipunctella |
34.004 |
Limnaecia phragmitella |
35.010 |
Aproaerema anthyllidella |
35.032 |
Hollyhock Seed Moth |
35.038 |
Bryotropha domestica |
35.040 |
Bryotropha terrella |
35.045 |
Bryotropha basaltinella |
35.047 |
Bryotropha affinis |
35.053 |
Isophrictis striatella |
35.056 |
Metzneria lappella |
35.141 |
Teleiodes vulgella |
37.046 |
Coleophora deauratella |
40.008 |
Mompha subbistrigella |
40.010 |
Mompha epilobiella |
41.002 |
Blastobasis adustella |
41.003 |
Blastobasis lacticolella |
44.001 |
Many-plumed Moth |
45.010 |
Beautiful Plume |
45.023 |
Crescent Plume |
45.030 |
White Plume |
45.043 |
Hemp Agrimony Plume |
45.044 |
Common Plume |
47.005 |
Epermenia chaerophyllella |
48.007 |
Apple Leaf Skeletonizer |
49.004 |
Red-barred Tortrix |
49.013 |
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix |
49.014 |
Brown Oak Tortrix |
49.015 |
Variegated Golden Tortrix |
49.024 |
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix |
49.025 |
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix |
49.026 |
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix |
49.029 |
Lozotaenia forsterana |
49.031 |
Timothy Tortrix |
49.038 |
Clepsis consimilana |
49.039 |
Light Brown Apple Moth |
49.040 |
Lozotaeniodes formosana |
49.059 |
Green Oak Tortrix |
49.060 |
Aleimma loeflingiana |
49.062 |
Acleris forsskaleana |
49.066 |
Acleris laterana |
49.069 |
Acleris sparsana |
49.075 |
Acleris umbrana |
49.076 |
Acleris cristana |
49.077 |
Garden Rose Tortrix |
49.080 |
Acleris hastiana |
49.091 |
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana |
49.097 |
Cochylimorpha straminea |
49.109 |
Agapeta hamana |
49.110 |
Agapeta zoegana |
49.111 |
Eupoecilia angustana |
49.123 |
Aethes beatricella |
49.136 |
Cochylis hybridella |
49.138 |
Cochylis molliculana |
49.139 |
Cochylis atricapitana |
49.144 |
Eudemis profundana |
49.156 |
Marbled Orchard Tortrix |
49.157 |
Plum Tortrix |
49.160 |
Celypha rufana |
49.161 |
Celypha striana |
49.166 |
Celypha lacunana |
49.180 |
Piniphila bifasciana |
49.183 |
Lobesia abscisana |
49.184 |
Lobesia reliquana |
49.186 |
Endothenia gentianaeana |
49.200 |
Cherry Bark Tortrix |
49.215 |
Ancylis achatana |
49.224 |
Bud Moth |
49.225 |
Spilonota laricana |
49.243 |
Epinotia demarniana |
49.249 |
Epinotia ramella |
49.255 |
Epinotia nisella |
49.260 |
Zeiraphera isertana |
49.265 |
Eucosma cana |
49.269 |
Eucosma campoliliana |
49.275 |
Eucosma conterminana |
49.285 |
Epiblema scutulana |
49.292 |
Notocelia cynosbatella |
49.294 |
Bramble Shoot Moth |
49.298 |
Notocelia trimaculana |
49.313 |
Dichrorampha acuminatana |
49.338 |
Codling Moth |
49.341 |
Cydia splendana |
49.343 |
Cydia amplana |
49.357 |
Plum Fruit Moth |
49.367 |
Pammene fasciana |
49.375 |
Pammene regiana |
50.002 |
Leopard Moth |
53.001 |
Festoon |
62.001 |
Bee Moth |
62.005 |
Lesser Wax Moth |
62.006 |
Wax Moth |
62.010 |
Elegia similella |
62.013 |
Moitrelia obductella |
62.018 |
Sciota rhenella |
62.021 |
Oncocera semirubella |
62.028 |
Dioryctria abietella |
62.029 |
Phycita roborella |
62.032 |
Nephopterix angustella |
62.033 |
Acrobasis tumidana |
62.034 |
Acrobasis repandana |
62.035 |
Acrobasis advenella |
62.036 |
Acrobasis suavella |
62.037 |
Acrobasis marmorea |
62.042 |
Thistle Ermine |
62.048 |
Euzophera pinguis |
62.053 |
Ancylosis oblitella |
62.054 |
Homoeosoma sinuella |
62.058 |
Phycitodes binaevella |
62.072 |
Meal Moth |
62.074 |
Large Tabby |
62.075 |
Gold Triangle |
62.076 |
Hypsopygia glaucinalis |
62.077 |
Endotricha flammealis |
63.005 |
Pyrausta despicata |
63.006 |
Pyrausta aurata |
63.011 |
Uresiphita gilvata |
63.014 |
Sitochroa palealis |
63.017 |
Anania lancealis |
63.018 |
Anania coronata |
63.023 |
Anania verbascalis |
63.025 |
Small Magpie |
63.028 |
European Corn-borer |
63.031 |
Rusty-dot Pearl |
63.034 |
Udea prunalis |
63.037 |
Udea olivalis |
63.038 |
Mother of Pearl |
63.038 |
Mother of Pearl |
63.048 |
Palpita vitrealis |
63.050 |
Dolicharthria punctalis |
63.052 |
Rush Veneer |
63.054 |
Box-tree Moth |
63.057 |
Garden Pebble |
63.058 |
Evergestis extimalis |
63.059 |
Evergestis limbata |
63.062 |
Scoparia subfusca |
63.064 |
Scoparia ambigualis |
63.066 |
Scoparia pyralella |
63.067 |
Eudonia lacustrata |
63.069 |
Eudonia angustea |
63.072 |
Eudonia delunella |
63.073 |
Eudonia truncicolella |
63.074 |
Eudonia mercurella |
63.075 |
Eudonia pallida |
63.079 |
Calamotropha paludella |
63.080 |
Garden Grass-veneer |
63.081 |
Crambus pascuella |
63.086 |
Crambus lathoniellus |
63.088 |
Crambus perlella |
63.089 |
Agriphila tristella |
63.091 |
Agriphila latistria |
63.093 |
Agriphila straminella |
63.095 |
Agriphila geniculea |
63.099 |
Catoptria pinella |
63.102 |
Catoptria falsella |
63.109 |
Pediasia contaminella |
63.114 |
Brown China-mark |
63.116 |
Small China-mark |
63.117 |
Ringed China-mark |
63.120 |
Schoenobius gigantella |
65.002 |
Oak Hook-tip |
65.007 |
Chinese Character |
65.008 |
Peach Blossom |
65.009 |
Buff Arches |
65.010 |
Figure of Eighty |
65.011 |
Poplar Lutestring |
65.013 |
Common Lutestring |
66.007 |
Oak Eggar |
66.010 |
Drinker |
69.001 |
Lime Hawk-moth |
69.002 |
Eyed Hawk-moth |
69.003 |
Poplar Hawk-moth |
69.004 |
Convolvulus Hawk-moth |
69.005 |
Death's-head Hawk-moth |
69.006 |
Privet Hawk-moth |
69.007 |
Pine Hawk-moth |
69.010 |
Humming-bird Hawk-moth |
69.014 |
Bedstraw Hawk-moth |
69.016 |
Elephant Hawk-moth |
69.017 |
Small Elephant Hawk-moth |
70.003 |
Bright Wave |
70.004 |
Least Carpet |
70.004 |
Least Carpet |
70.006 |
Dwarf Cream Wave |
70.008 |
Small Dusty Wave |
70.009 |
Satin Wave |
70.011 |
Single-dotted Wave |
70.012 |
Treble Brown Spot |
70.013 |
Small Fan-footed Wave |
70.016 |
Riband Wave |
70.017 |
Portland Ribbon Wave |
70.017 |
November Moth agg. |
70.023 |
Mullein Wave |
70.024 |
Small Blood-vein |
70.029 |
Blood-Vein |
70.036 |
Maiden's Blush |
70.037 |
Clay Triple-lines |
70.038 |
Vestal |
70.047 |
Gem |
70.049 |
Garden Carpet |
70.051 |
Red Twin-spot Carpet |
70.052 |
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet |
70.054 |
Silver-ground Carpet |
70.059 |
Yellow Shell |
70.061 |
Common Carpet |
70.062 |
Wood Carpet |
70.063 |
Galium Carpet |
70.070 |
Mallow |
70.079 |
Spruce Carpet |
70.081 |
Grey Pine Carpet |
70.083 |
Cypress Carpet |
70.085 |
Barred Yellow |
70.087 |
Purple Bar |
70.093 |
Barred Straw |
70.094 |
Small Phoenix |
70.095 |
Red-Green Carpet |
70.097 |
Common Marbled Carpet |
70.100 |
Green Carpet |
70.119 |
Dark Umber |
70.126 |
Small Waved Umber |
70.127 |
Cryptic Fern |
70.128 |
Pretty Chalk Carpet |
70.134 |
Barred Rivulet |
70.141 |
Double-striped Pug |
70.142 |
V-Pug |
70.143 |
Sloe Pug |
70.144 |
Green Pug |
70.146 |
Haworth's Pug |
70.147 |
Slender Pug |
70.148 |
Maple Pug |
70.150 |
Toadflax Pug |
70.151 |
Foxglove Pug |
70.155 |
Netted Pug |
70.159 |
Cypress Pug |
70.160 |
White-spotted Pug |
70.166 |
Plain Pug |
70.169 |
Angle-barred Pug |
70.173 |
Lime-speck Pug |
70.176 |
Freyer's Pug |
70.179 |
Wormwood Pug |
70.182 |
Currant Pug |
70.183 |
Common Pug |
70.184 |
Mottled Pug |
70.187 |
Tawny Speckled Pug |
70.189 |
Shaded Pug |
70.190 |
Grey Pug |
70.192 |
Treble-bar |
70.200 |
Yellow-barred Brindle |
70.205 |
Magpie Moth |
70.207 |
Clouded Border |
70.208 |
Scorched Carpet |
70.211 |
Peacock Moth |
70.212 |
Sharp-angled Peacock |
70.214 |
Tawny-barred Angle |
70.215 |
V-Moth |
70.217 |
Rannoch Looper |
70.224 |
Scorched Wing |
70.226 |
Brimstone Moth |
70.232 |
Large Thorn |
70.233 |
August Thorn |
70.234 |
Canary-shouldered Thorn |
70.235 |
Dusky Thorn |
70.236 |
September Thorn |
70.237 |
Early Thorn |
70.238 |
Lunar Thorn |
70.241 |
Scalloped Oak |
70.243 |
Swallow-tailed Moth |
70.244 |
Feathered Thorn |
70.245 |
March Moth |
70.247 |
Pale Brindled Beauty |
70.248 |
Brindled Beauty |
70.252 |
Peppered Moth |
70.257 |
Waved Umber |
70.258 |
Willow Beauty |
70.260 |
Feathered Beauty |
70.265 |
Mottled Beauty |
70.268 |
Pale Oak Beauty |
70.270 |
Engrailed |
70.270 |
Engrailed |
70.278 |
Common Wave |
70.280 |
Clouded Silver |
70.283 |
Light Emerald |
70.287 |
Annulet |
70.296 |
Rest Harrow |
70.300 |
Blotched Emerald |
70.302 |
Small Emerald |
70.304 |
Sussex Emerald |
70.305 |
Common Emerald |
71.003 |
Puss Moth |
71.005 |
Sallow Kitten |
71.007 |
Poplar Kitten |
71.009 |
Lobster Moth |
71.012 |
Iron Prominent |
71.013 |
Pebble Prominent |
71.017 |
Swallow Prominent |
71.018 |
Lesser Swallow Prominent |
71.020 |
Pale Prominent |
71.022 |
Maple Prominent |
71.025 |
Buff-tip |
71.027 |
Chocolate-tip |
72.001 |
Herald |
72.002 |
Straw Dot |
72.003 |
Snout |
72.006 |
Bloxworth Snout |
72.009 |
White Satin |
72.010 |
Black Arches |
72.011 |
Gypsy Moth |
72.012 |
Brown-tail |
72.013 |
Yellow-tail |
72.015 |
Pale Tussock |
72.017 |
Vapourer |
72.019 |
Buff Ermine |
72.020 |
White Ermine |
72.022 |
Muslin Moth |
72.024 |
Ruby Tiger |
72.026 |
Garden Tiger |
72.030 |
Jersey Tiger |
72.031 |
Cinnabar |
72.035 |
Rosy Footman |
72.038 |
Four-dotted Footman |
72.041 |
Four-spotted Footman |
72.042 |
Red-necked Footman |
72.043 |
Buff Footman |
72.044 |
Dingy Footman |
72.045 |
Common Footman |
72.046 |
Scarce Footman |
72.047 |
Hoary Footman |
72.049 |
Orange Footman |
72.053 |
Fan-foot |
72.057 |
Plumed Fan-foot |
72.061 |
Pinion-streaked Snout |
72.063 |
Blackneck |
72.067 |
Small Purple-barred |
72.069 |
Beautiful Hook-tip |
72.070 |
Olive Crescent |
72.074 |
Beautiful Marbled |
72.076 |
Clifden Nonpareil |
73.001 |
Spectacle |
73.002 |
Dark Spectacle |
73.010 |
Dewick's Plusia |
73.012 |
Burnished Brass |
73.015 |
Silver Y |
73.016 |
Beautiful Golden Y |
73.022 |
Gold Spot |
73.027 |
Silver Barred |
73.032 |
Nut-tree Tussock |
73.037 |
Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger |
73.039 |
Sycamore |
73.040 |
Miller |
73.045 |
Knot Grass |
73.046 |
Poplar Grey |
73.047 |
Coronet |
73.050 |
Wormwood |
73.052 |
Shark |
73.059 |
Toadflax Brocade |
73.062 |
Copper Underwing |
73.064 |
Mouse Moth |
73.068 |
Green-brindled Crescent |
73.069 |
Early Grey |
73.070 |
Bordered Sallow |
73.074 |
Bordered Straw |
73.076 |
Scarce Bordered Straw |
73.082 |
Tree-lichen Beauty |
73.085 |
Marbled Green |
73.087 |
Small Mottled Willow |
73.089 |
Mediterranean Brocade |
73.092 |
Mottled Rustic |
73.093 |
Clancy's Rustic |
73.095 |
Pale Mottled Willow |
73.096 |
Uncertain |
73.097 |
Uncertain/Rustic agg. |
73.097 |
Rustic |
73.099 |
Vine's Rustic |
73.101 |
Treble Lines |
73.104 |
Porter's Rustic |
73.107 |
Old Lady |
73.109 |
Straw Underwing |
73.113 |
Angle Shades |
73.120 |
Dusky Sallow |
73.123 |
Rosy Rustic |
73.128 |
Ear Moth agg. |
73.131 |
Flounced Rustic |
73.134 |
Large Wainscot |
73.136 |
Bulrush Wainscot |
73.137 |
Fen Wainscot |
73.154 |
Dusky Brocade |
73.155 |
Clouded Brindle |
73.156 |
Clouded-bordered Brindle |
73.157 |
Large Nutmeg |
73.158 |
Rustic Shoulder-knot |
73.159 |
Small Clouded Brindle |
73.162 |
Dark Arches |
73.163 |
Light Arches |
73.164 |
Reddish Light Arches |
73.168 |
Double Lobed |
73.169 |
Common Rustic agg. |
73.171 |
Rosy Minor |
73.172 |
Cloaked Minor |
73.174 |
Marbled Minor agg. |
73.176 |
Middle-barred Minor |
73.180 |
Barred Sallow |
73.182 |
Sallow |
73.186 |
Beaded Chestnut |
73.187 |
Brown-spot Pinion |
73.190 |
Yellow-line Quaker |
73.192 |
Brick |
73.193 |
Lunar Underwing |
73.194 |
Chestnut |
73.195 |
Dark Chestnut |
73.200 |
Tawny Pinion |
73.201 |
Pale Pinion |
73.206 |
Blair's Shoulder-knot |
73.210 |
Satellite |
73.215 |
Lesser-spotted Pinion |
73.216 |
Dun-bar |
73.217 |
Lunar-spotted Pinion |
73.219 |
Centre-barred Sallow |
73.222 |
Dingy Shears |
73.223 |
Oak Rustic |
73.230 |
Feathered Brindle |
73.231 |
Deep-brown Dart |
73.233 |
Black Rustic |
73.235 |
Feathered Ranunculus |
73.242 |
Clouded Drab |
73.244 |
Common Quaker |
73.245 |
Small Quaker |
73.249 |
Hebrew Character |
73.250 |
Twin-spotted Quaker |
73.252 |
Hedge Rustic |
73.253 |
Feathered Gothic |
73.255 |
Nutmeg |
73.263 |
Light Brocade |
73.267 |
Bright-line Brown-eye |
73.270 |
Dot Moth |
73.273 |
Shears |
73.274 |
Cabbage Moth |
73.276 |
Campion |
73.279 |
Broad-barred White |
73.281 |
Lychnis |
73.282 |
Varied Coronet |
73.286 |
Tawny Shears |
73.291 |
Common Wainscot |
73.293 |
Smoky Wainscot |
73.294 |
Southern Wainscot |
73.295 |
Delicate |
73.297 |
White-point |
73.298 |
Clay |
73.300 |
L-album Wainscot |
73.307 |
Pearly Underwing |
73.313 |
White-line Dart |
73.317 |
Heart and Dart |
73.319 |
Turnip Moth |
73.320 |
Heart and Club |
73.322 |
Archer's Dart |
73.325 |
Shuttle-shaped Dart |
73.327 |
Dark Sword-grass |
73.328 |
Flame |
73.329 |
Flame Shoulder |
73.332 |
Purple Clay |
73.334 |
Small Square-spot |
73.341 |
Northern Rustic |
73.342 |
Large Yellow Underwing |
73.343 |
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
73.345 |
Lesser Yellow Underwing |
73.346 |
Least Yellow Underwing |
73.347 |
Langmaid's Yellow Underwing |
73.348 |
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
73.357 |
Square-spot Rustic |
73.358 |
Six-striped Rustic |
73.359 |
Setaceous Hebrew Character |
73.361 |
Double Square-spot |
73.365 |
Autumnal Rustic |
74.002 |
Kent Black Arches |
74.003 |
Short-cloaked Moth |
74.008 |
Green Silver-lines |
74.009 |
Oak Nycteoline |
74.011 |
Cream-bordered Green Pea |
Wind Force | Description | Speed | ||
km/h | mph | knots | ||
0 | Calm | | | |
1 | Light Air | 1-5 | 1-3 | 1-3 |
2 | Light Breeze | 6-11 | 4-7 | 4-6 |
3 | Gentle Breeze | 12-19 | 8-12 | 7-10 |
4 | Moderate Breeze | 20-28 | 13-18 | 11-16 |
5 | Fresh Breeze | 29-38 | 19-24 | 17-21 |
6 | Strong Breeze | 38-49 | 25-31 | 22-27 |
7 | Near Gale | 50-61 | 32-38 | 28-33 |
8 | Gale | 62-74 | 39-46 | 34-40 |
9 | Strong Gale | 75-88 | 47-54 | 41-47 |
10 | Storm | 89-102 | 55-63 | 48-55 |
11 | Violent Storm | 103-117 | 64-72 | 56-63 |
12 | Hurricane | 118 plus | 73 plus | 64 plus |
Hi Tony,
ReplyDeleteBeen an avid reader of your blog for some time as I trap not too far inland on the outskirts of Aylesham (and I've finally got round to starting my own blog on here too this year).
I have had a good number of T. alternella this year, including one very similar to your pic here from last nights catch, so I'd say you're spot on.
All the best
PS moved the comment as entered it against the wrong post to begin with
T. alternella it is Tony.
ReplyDeleteNot much else flying at this time of year of that size and shape.
I've caught lots of them including some like yours, they vary a lot but the shape is the main field mark for me.