Passenger, caught 23/9/2006 (National moth night).

Mothing at St Margaret's

Most of the Moth lists and Photographs are from my garden (TR359450) in the village of St Margaret's at Cliffe in Kent. It is situated about 1Km from the sea and has farmland with in 100 metres. The garden is well shrubbed and about 1600 sq metres. I normally run a 125 MV lamp and a 15W actinic light over-night and once the season gets going a couple of other traps. At the moment both are 25W black Lamps. previously I used a 160W blended lamp in one of them. All traps are home made. Trapping dates refer to the date the trap was put out.

Trap Update in 2017. A new 125W MV Robinson was added to a 125W MV Skinner, 15W Actinic Skinner, two 80W MV Morris modified Skinners and a 80W MVMorris Box trap.
Traps are now (2020 onwards) 2x 125W Robinsons, 2x 80W Skinner type and 1x 15W Actinic strip light on a Skinner type .

I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Species List for 9/8/2013

Night two of "National Moth Night" 109 micros of 28 species and 264 macros of  56 species.

Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
15 Hepialus sylvina Orange Swift 2
161 Zeuzera pyrina Leopard Moth 1
453 Ypsolopha dentella Honeysuckle Moth 1
464 Plutella xylostella Diamond-back Moth 25
647 Hofmannophila pseudospretella Brown House Moth 2
658 Carcina quercana
870 Oegoconia quadripuncta
873 Blastobasis adustella
977 Archips podana Large Fruit-tree Tortrix 1
998 Epiphyas postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth 2
1036 Acleris forsskaleana
1063 Celypha striana
1260 Cydia splendana
1288 Alucita hexadactyla Twenty-plume Moth 1
1302 Crambus perlella
1304 Agriphila straminella
1305 Agriphila tristella
1313 Catoptria pinella
1344 Eudonia mercurella
1356a Evergestis limbata
1361 Pyrausta aurata 2
1376 Eurrhypara hortulata Small Magpie 2
1398 Nomophila noctuella Rush Veneer 1
1424 Endotricha flammealis
1439 Trachycera advenella
1441 Oncocera semirubella
1444 Pempelia obductella
1470 Euzophera pinguis
1483 Phycitodes binaevella
1524 Emmelina monodactyla
1653 Habrosyne pyritoides Buff Arches 3
1699 Idaea rusticata atrosignaria Least Carpet 3
1708 Idaea dimidiata Single-dotted Wave 1
1713 Idaea aversata Riband Wave 13
1724 Xanthorhoe spadicearia Red Twin-spot Carpet 3
1732 Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shaded Broad-bar 1
1742 Camptogramma bilineata Yellow Shell 1
1777 Hydriomena furcata July Highflyer 1
1804 Perizoma bifaciata Barred Rivulet 1
1817 Eupithecia pulchellata Foxglove Pug 1
1835 Eupithecia tripunctaria White-spotted Pug 1
1858 Chloroclystis v-ata V-Pug 3
1884 Abraxas grossulariata Magpie Moth 1
1888 Ligdia adustata Scorched Carpet 1
1917 Selenia dentaria Early Thorn 1
1921 Crocallis elinguaria Scalloped Oak 1
1922 Ourapteryx sambucaria Swallow-tailed Moth 1
2000 Notodonta dromedarius Iron Prominent 1
2029 Euproctis chrysorrhoea Brown-tail 2
2030 Euproctis similis Yellow-tail 2
2050 Eilema lurideola Common Footman 20
2077 Nola cucullatella Short-cloaked Moth 2
2091 Agrotis ipsilon Dark Sword-grass 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 19
2098 Axylia putris Flame 2
2107 Noctua pronuba Large Yellow Underwing 3
2109 Noctua comes Lesser Yellow Underwing 23
2110 Noctua fimbriata Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1
2110a Noctua janthina Langmaid's Yellow Underwing 2
2111 Noctua janthe Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 23
2134 Xestia xanthographa Square-spot Rustic 1
2155 Melanchra persicariae Dot Moth 1
2160 Lacanobia oleracea Bright-line Brown-eye 1
2164 Hecatera bicolorata Broad-barred White 1
2193 Mythimna ferrago Clay 1
2284x Acronicta tridens/psi Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger 1
2293 Cryphia domestica Marbled Beauty 1
2295 Cryphia muralis Marbled Green 1
2299 Amphipyra tragopoginis Mouse Moth 1
2303 Thalpophila matura Straw Underwing 1
2306 Phlogophora meticulosa Angle Shades 1
2318 Cosmia trapezina Dun-bar 1
2321 Apamea monoglypha Dark Arches 16
2322 Apamea lithoxylaea Light Arches 2
2343 Mesapamea secalis Common Rustic 51
2352 Eremobia ochroleuca Dusky Sallow 2
2353 Luperina testacea Flounced Rustic 5
2360 Amphipoea oculea Ear Moth 1
2381 Hoplodrina alsines Uncertain 12
2382 Hoplodrina blanda Rustic 5
2389 Paradrina clavipalpis Pale Mottled Willow 1
2441 Autographa gamma Silver Y 12
2474 Rivula sericealis Straw Dot 1
2489 Zanclognatha tarsipennalis Fan-foot 1

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