Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals | |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 4 | |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 1 | |
2087 | Agrotis segetum |
| 5 | |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 1 | |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 2 | |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 2 | |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 4 | |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 2 | |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 1 | |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 1 | |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 9 | |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 4 | |
2389 | Paradrina clavipalpis | Pale Mottled Willow | 1 |

Passenger, caught 23/9/2006 (National moth night).
Mothing at St Margaret's
Most of the Moth lists and Photographs are from my garden (TR359450) in the village of St Margaret's at Cliffe in Kent. It is situated about 1Km from the sea and has farmland with in 100 metres. The garden is well shrubbed and about 1600 sq metres. I normally run a 125 MV lamp and a 15W actinic light over-night and once the season gets going a couple of other traps. At the moment both are 25W black Lamps. previously I used a 160W blended lamp in one of them. All traps are home made. Trapping dates refer to the date the trap was put out.
I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.
Trap Update in 2017. A new 125W MV Robinson was added to a 125W MV Skinner, 15W Actinic Skinner, two 80W MV Morris modified Skinners and a 80W MVMorris Box trap.
Traps are now (2020 onwards) 2x 125W Robinsons, 2x 80W Skinner type and 1x 15W Actinic strip light on a Skinner type .
I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Species List for 29/8/2010
Each day I think, it must get better, and it doesn't. This time it really can't get any worse!
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Species List for 28/8/2010
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 8 |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 2 |
1752 | Cosmorhoe ocellata | 2 | |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 2 |
1961 | Campaea margaritata | Light Emerald | 1 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 12 |
2091 | Agrotis ipsilon | Dark Sword-grass | 1 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 8 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 17 |
2109 | Noctua comes | Lesser Yellow Underwing | 7 |
2110 | Noctua fimbriata | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 1 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 1 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 19 |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 4 |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 4 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 1 |
2199 | Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot | 3 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 3 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 1 |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 2 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 18 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 36 |
2389 | Paradrina clavipalpis | Pale Mottled Willow | 1 |
Species List for 27/8/2010
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 10 |
1405 | Pleuroptya ruralis | Mother of Pearl | 1 |
1524 | Emmelina monodactyla | 1 | |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 1 |
1728 | Xanthorhoe fluctuata | Garden Carpet | 1 |
1742 | Camptogramma bilineata | Yellow Shell | 1 |
1782 | Horisme tersata | Fern | 1 |
1862 | Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | Double-striped Pug | 3 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 17 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 3 |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 14 |
2109 | Noctua comes | Lesser Yellow Underwing | 2 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 4 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 12 |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 5 |
2159 | Lacanobia suasa | Dog's Tooth | 1 |
2199 | Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot | 2 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 3 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 1 |
2318 | Cosmia trapezina | Dun-bar | 1 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 18 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 7 |
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Species List for 24/8/2010
Another dreadful night with the temperature falling to 9 deg C.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 11 |
1739 | Epirrhoe rivata | Wood Carpet | 1 |
1804 | Perizoma bifaciata | Barred Rivulet | 1 |
1862 | Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | Double-striped Pug | 3 |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 1 |
2006 | Pheosia gnoma | Lesser Swallow Prominent | 1 |
2047 | Eilema complana | Scarce Footman | 1 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 14 |
2091 | Agrotis ipsilon | Dark Sword-grass | 1 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 2 |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 2 |
2109 | Noctua comes | Lesser Yellow Underwing | 3 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 7 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 17 |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 2 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 2 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 3 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 3 |
2318 | Cosmia trapezina | Dun-bar | 1 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 9 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 12 |
2441 | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 1 |
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Species List for 23/8/2010
We stayed an extra night up at Rutland so I've had a five day gap here, but it is still very poor. My 10 year old grandson ran a small actinic at the camp site they were staying at in Belton in Rutland, and on Saturday night we caught 90 Large Yellow Underwings, so they are around in some places.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 19 |
1356 | Evergestis forficalis | Garden Pebble | 1 |
1424 | Endotricha flammealis | 0 | 1 |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 1 |
1921 | Crocallis elinguaria | Scalloped Oak | 1 |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 1 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 8 |
2089 | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 1 |
2091 | Agrotis ipsilon | Dark Sword-grass | 1 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 3 |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 6 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 17 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 7 |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 5 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 1 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 1 |
2300 | Mormo maura | Old Lady | 1 |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 3 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 10 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 4 |
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Species List for 18/8/2010
Off to the Birdfair at Rutland for three days, so back Sunday night. Hopefully someone will be running a moth trap or so there and the weather stays good.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
1862 | Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | Double-striped Pug | 1 |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 2 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 11 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 10 |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 6 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 39 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 14 |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 1 |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 5 |
2160 | Lacanobia oleracea | Bright-line Brown-eye | 1 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 4 |
2199 | Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot | 1 |
2216 | Cucullia umbratica | Shark | 1 |
2289 | Acronicta rumicis | Knot Grass | 1 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 2 |
2303 | Thalpophila matura | Straw Underwing | 2 |
2318 | Cosmia trapezina | Dun-bar | 1 |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 10 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 3 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 6 |
2425 | Colocasia coryli | Nut-tree Tussock | 1 |
2441 | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 6 |
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Species List for 17/8/2010
The second August record of Evergestis limbata (first was 23/8/2009). Presumably a second generation of a local population.
Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 6 |
Plutella xylostella | Diamond-back Moth | 1 |
Agapeta hamana | | 1 |
Pandemis cerasana | Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix | 2 |
Evergestis forficalis | Garden Pebble | 1 |
Evergestis limbata | | 1 |
Eurrhypara hortulata | Small Magpie | 1 |
Pleuroptya ruralis | Mother of Pearl | 5 |
Phycitodes binaevella | | 1 |
Emmelina monodactyla | | 1 |
Idaea dimidiata | Single-dotted Wave | 1 |
Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 4 |
Xanthorhoe spadicearia | Red Twin-spot Carpet | 2 |
Xanthorhoe fluctuata | Garden Carpet | 1 |
Cosmorhoe ocellata | Purple Bar | 1 |
Perizoma bifaciata | Barred Rivulet | 1 |
Eupithecia centaureata | Lime-speck Pug | 1 |
Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 1 |
Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 2 |
Notodonta ziczac | Pebble Prominent | 1 |
Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 2 |
Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 32 |
Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 1 |
Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 19 |
Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 26 |
Noctua comes | Lesser Yellow Underwing | 2 |
Noctua fimbriata | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 2 |
Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 33 |
Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 16 |
Discestra trifolii | Nutmeg | 2 |
Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 9 |
Hecatera bicolorata | Broad-barred White | 1 |
Hadena rivularis | Campion | 3 |
Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 4 |
Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot | 1 |
Acronicta rumicis | Knot Grass | 2 |
Cryphia muralis | Marbled Green | 2 |
Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 10 |
Cosmia trapezina | Dun-bar | 4 |
Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 2 |
Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 18 |
Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 9 |
Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 11 |
Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 5 |
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Species List for 16/8/2010
It's getting towards Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing overload time. A late Poplar Hawkmoth. We seem to get a second generation here, with Mid to late August records in four years.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 4 |
1398 | Nomophila noctuella | Rush Veneer | 1 |
1405 | Pleuroptya ruralis | Mother of Pearl | 3 |
1699 | Idaea rusticata atrosignaria | Least Carpet | 1 |
1708 | Idaea dimidiata | Single-dotted Wave | 1 |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 1 |
1724 | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | Red Twin-spot Carpet | 1 |
1728 | Xanthorhoe fluctuata | Garden Carpet | 1 |
1804 | Perizoma bifaciata | Barred Rivulet | 1 |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 2 |
1931 | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth | 1 |
1937 | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 2 |
1981 | Laothoe populi | Poplar Hawk-moth | 1 |
2007 | Pheosia tremula | Swallow Prominent | 1 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 21 |
2091 | Agrotis ipsilon | Dark Sword-grass | 2 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 24 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 5 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 58 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 10 |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 10 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 2 |
2199 | Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot | 3 |
2295 | Cryphia muralis | Marbled Green | 1 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 1 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 4 |
2318 | Cosmia trapezina | Dun-bar | 2 |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 2 |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 22 |
2350 | Chortodes pygmina | Small Wainscot | 1 |
2352 | Eremobia ochroleuca | Dusky Sallow | 1 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 3 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 5 |
2441 | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 4 |
Monday, 16 August 2010
Species List for 15/8/2010
The first Orange Swift of the Autumn.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
15 | Hepialus sylvina | Orange Swift | 1 |
1424 | Endotricha flammealis | 1 | |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 1 |
1724 | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | Red Twin-spot Carpet | 1 |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 1 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 7 |
2091 | Agrotis ipsilon | Dark Sword-grass | 1 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 15 |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 34 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 3 |
2128 | Xestia triangulum | Double Square-spot | 1 |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 1 |
2145 | Discestra trifolii | Nutmeg | 1 |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 3 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 1 |
2289 | Acronicta rumicis | Knot Grass | 2 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 1 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 3 |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 2 |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 2 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 2 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 2 |
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Species List for 13/8/2010
Another poor night. I decided to miss Saturday night as the forecast was still cold at night.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals |
1524 | Emmelina monodactyla | 1 | |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 5 |
1804 | Perizoma bifaciata | Barred Rivulet | 1 |
1825 | Eupithecia centaureata | Lime-speck Pug | 1 |
1835 | Eupithecia tripunctaria | White-spotted Pug | 1 |
1937 | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 1 |
2007 | Pheosia tremula | Swallow Prominent | 2 |
2009 | Ptilodon cucullina | Maple Prominent | 1 |
2044 | Eilema griseola | Dingy Footman | 1 |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 16 |
2091 | Agrotis ipsilon | Dark Sword-grass | 1 |
2092 | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart | 16 |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 9 |
2111 | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 14 |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 12 |
2134 | Xestia xanthographa | Square-spot Rustic | 1 |
2154 | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage Moth | 2 |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 1 |
2295 | Cryphia muralis | Marbled Green | 1 |
2297 | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing | 1 |
2299 | Amphipyra tragopoginis | Mouse Moth | 1 |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 4 |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 7 |
2352 | Eremobia ochroleuca | Dusky Sallow | 1 |
2353 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 8 |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 2 |
2441 | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 3 |
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