Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals | |
17 | Hepialus lupulinus | Common Swift | 5 | |
647 | Hofmannophila pseudospretella | Brown House Moth | 2 | |
874 | Blastobasis lacticolella | 2 | NFY | |
994 | Clepsis consimilana | 1 | ||
998 | Epiphyas postvittana | Light Brown Apple Moth | 7 | |
1063 | Celypha striana | 4 | ||
1293 | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass-veneer | 8 | |
1333 | Scoparia pyralella | 2 | ||
1344 | Eudonia mercurella | 2 | ||
1376 | Eurrhypara hortulata | Small Magpie | 3 | |
1428 | Aphomia sociella | Bee Moth | 2 | |
1654 | Tethea ocularis | Figure of Eighty | 2 | |
1764 | Chloroclysta truncata | Common Marbled Carpet | 1 | |
1825 | Eupithecia centaureata | Lime-speck Pug | 1 | |
1860 | Pasiphila rectangulata | Green Pug | 1 | |
1883 | Acasis viretata | Yellow-barred Brindle | 1 | |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 1 | |
1931 | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth | 1 | |
1937 | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 1 | |
1941 | Alcis repandata | Mottled Beauty | 4 | |
1944 | Hypomecis punctinalis | Pale Oak Beauty | 1 | |
1961 | Campaea margaritata | Light Emerald | 2 | |
1991 | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth | 1 | |
1992 | Deilephila porcellus | Small Elephant Hawk-moth | 3 | |
1994 | Phalera bucephala | Buff-tip | 1 | |
2050 | Eilema lurideola | Common Footman | 1 | |
2060 | Spilosoma lubricipeda | White Ermine | 1 | |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 8 | |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 1 | |
2088 | Agrotis clavis | Heart and Club | 15 | |
2089 | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 27 | |
2098 | Axylia putris | Flame | 6 | |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 2 | |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 6 | |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 3 | |
2128 | Xestia triangulum | Double Square-spot | 1 | NFY |
2155 | Melanchra persicariae | Dot Moth | 1 | NFY |
2160 | Lacanobia oleracea | Bright-line Brown-eye | 1 | |
2284x | Acronicta tridens/psi | Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger | 1 | |
2306 | Phlogophora meticulosa | Angle Shades | 1 | |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 4 | |
2337x | Oligia strigilis agg. | Marbled Minor agg. | 1 | |
2343 | Mesapamea secalis | Common Rustic | 1 | NFY |
2380 | Charanyca trigrammica | Treble Lines | 1 | |
2381 | Hoplodrina alsines | Uncertain | 1 | |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 1 | |
2387 | Caradrina morpheus | Mottled Rustic | 4 | |
2389 | Paradrina clavipalpis | Pale Mottled Willow | 1 | |
2403 | Heliothis peltigera | Bordered Straw | 1 | |
2422 | Pseudoips prasinana | Green Silver-lines | 1 | |
2477 | Hypena proboscidalis | Snout | 1 |

Passenger, caught 23/9/2006 (National moth night).
Mothing at St Margaret's
Most of the Moth lists and Photographs are from my garden (TR359450) in the village of St Margaret's at Cliffe in Kent. It is situated about 1Km from the sea and has farmland with in 100 metres. The garden is well shrubbed and about 1600 sq metres. I normally run a 125 MV lamp and a 15W actinic light over-night and once the season gets going a couple of other traps. At the moment both are 25W black Lamps. previously I used a 160W blended lamp in one of them. All traps are home made. Trapping dates refer to the date the trap was put out.
I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.
Trap Update in 2017. A new 125W MV Robinson was added to a 125W MV Skinner, 15W Actinic Skinner, two 80W MV Morris modified Skinners and a 80W MVMorris Box trap.
Traps are now (2020 onwards) 2x 125W Robinsons, 2x 80W Skinner type and 1x 15W Actinic strip light on a Skinner type .
I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Species List for 29/6/2015
No Mishaps, so five traps got through the night. 151 moths from 51 species, four NFY.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Species List for 28/6/2015
Last weekend were the two days of our Village Safari. This year there were 27 gardens (a bit down) and as usual we had our garden open and I had a small display of mothing. Luckily I had quite a few moths to show, it's amazing how few people have ever seen a Privet Hawk-moth. However the result was we left a gate open, between two bits of the garden last night. My Actinic trap was turned over this morning and the tube smashed, to Pam's consternation, her little bed of carrots had been completely dug up. One of the badgers had paid a visit. I think the cable for my trap must Have been across its path and it accidently tangled with it and pulled the trap over. The carrots were nno accident though!So I was a trap down, and caught 172 moths of 48 speices, with four new for the year.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals | |
17 | Hepialus lupulinus | Common Swift | 12 | |
647 | Hofmannophila pseudospretella | Brown House Moth | 1 | |
787 | Bryotropha terrella | 2 | ||
937 | Agapeta hamana | 2 | ||
998 | Epiphyas postvittana | Light Brown Apple Moth | 10 | |
1002 | Lozotaenia forsterana | 1 | ||
1063 | Celypha striana | 4 | ||
1201 | Eucosma cana | 1 | NFY | |
1293 | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass-veneer | 7 | |
1334 | Scoparia ambigualis | 2 | ||
1344 | Eudonia mercurella | 1 | ||
1356 | Evergestis forficalis | Garden Pebble | 1 | |
1376 | Eurrhypara hortulata | Small Magpie | 1 | |
1421 | Aglossa pinguinalis | Large Tabby | 1 | NFY |
1428 | Aphomia sociella | Bee Moth | 2 | |
1711 | Idaea trigeminata | Treble Brown Spot | 1 | |
1883 | Acasis viretata | Yellow-barred Brindle | 2 | |
1931 | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth | 2 | |
1937 | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 1 | |
1941 | Alcis repandata | Mottled Beauty | 12 | |
1944 | Hypomecis punctinalis | Pale Oak Beauty | 2 | NFY |
1958 | Lomographa temerata | Clouded Silver | 1 | |
1991 | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth | 2 | |
1992 | Deilephila porcellus | Small Elephant Hawk-moth | 1 | |
2028 | Calliteara pudibunda | Pale Tussock | 1 | |
2060 | Spilosoma lubricipeda | White Ermine | 2 | |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 7 | |
2088 | Agrotis clavis | Heart and Club | 12 | |
2089 | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 32 | |
2098 | Axylia putris | Flame | 5 | |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 | |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 5 | |
2123 | Diarsia rubi | Small Square-spot | 1 | |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 7 | |
2284x | Acronicta tridens/psi | Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger | 2 | |
2302 | Rusina ferruginea | Brown Rustic | 1 | |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 4 | |
2322 | Apamea lithoxylaea | Light Arches | 2 | |
2337x | Oligia strigilis agg. | Marbled Minor agg. | 4 | |
2380 | Charanyca trigrammica | Treble Lines | 1 | |
2381 | Hoplodrina alsines | Uncertain | 4 | |
2382 | Hoplodrina blanda | Rustic | 1 | NFY |
2387 | Caradrina morpheus | Mottled Rustic | 2 | |
2422 | Pseudoips prasinana | Green Silver-lines | 1 | |
2434 | Diachrysia chrysitis | Burnished Brass | 1 | |
2441 | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 2 | |
2450 | Abrostola tripartita | Spectacle | 1 | |
2474 | Rivula sericealis | Straw Dot | 1 |
Species List for 27/6/2015
A fair night with 208 moths from 55 species.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals | |
17 | Hepialus lupulinus | Common Swift | 14 | |
420 | Argyresthia pruniella | Cherry Fruit Moth | 1 | NFY |
937 | Agapeta hamana | 2 | ||
998 | Epiphyas postvittana | Light Brown Apple Moth | 11 | |
1063 | Celypha striana | 4 | ||
1076 | Celypha lacunana | 1 | ||
1082 | Hedya pruniana | Plum Tortrix | 1 | |
1293 | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass-veneer | 6 | |
1302 | Crambus perlella | 1 | ||
1334 | Scoparia ambigualis | 1 | ||
1344 | Eudonia mercurella | 1 | ||
1376 | Eurrhypara hortulata | Small Magpie | 1 | |
1378 | Phlyctaenia coronata | 1 | NFY | |
1428 | Aphomia sociella | Bee Moth | 5 | |
1458 | Myelois circumvoluta | Thistle Ermine | 1 | |
1711 | Idaea trigeminata | Treble Brown Spot | 1 | |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 4 | |
1728 | Xanthorhoe fluctuata | Garden Carpet | 1 | |
1738 | Epirrhoe alternata | Common Carpet | 1 | |
1764 | Chloroclysta truncata | Common Marbled Carpet | 3 | |
1819 | Eupithecia exiguata | Mottled Pug | 1 | |
1827 | Eupithecia intricata | Freyer's Pug | 1 | |
1834 | Eupithecia vulgata | Common Pug | 2 | |
1839 | Eupithecia succenturiata | Bordered Pug | 1 | NFY |
1860 | Pasiphila rectangulata | Green Pug | 1 | |
1883 | Acasis viretata | Yellow-barred Brindle | 1 | NFY |
1931 | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth | 2 | |
1937 | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 6 | |
1941 | Alcis repandata | Mottled Beauty | 3 | |
1958 | Lomographa temerata | Clouded Silver | 2 | |
1961 | Campaea margaritata | Light Emerald | 1 | |
1991 | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth | 2 | |
1992 | Deilephila porcellus | Small Elephant Hawk-moth | 3 | |
2028 | Calliteara pudibunda | Pale Tussock | 1 | |
2060 | Spilosoma lubricipeda | White Ermine | 1 | |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 8 | |
2088 | Agrotis clavis | Heart and Club | 18 | |
2089 | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 34 | |
2098 | Axylia putris | Flame | 4 | |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 9 | |
2123 | Diarsia rubi | Small Square-spot | 1 | |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 9 | |
2160 | Lacanobia oleracea | Bright-line Brown-eye | 4 | |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 1 | |
2302 | Rusina ferruginea | Brown Rustic | 2 | |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 12 | |
2322 | Apamea lithoxylaea | Light Arches | 3 | |
2327 | Apamea epomidion | Clouded Brindle | 1 | |
2337x | Oligia strigilis agg. | Marbled Minor agg. | 4 | |
2380 | Charanyca trigrammica | Treble Lines | 1 | |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 1 | |
2403 | Heliothis peltigera | Bordered Straw | 1 | |
2434 | Diachrysia chrysitis | Burnished Brass | 3 | |
2474 | Rivula sericealis | Straw Dot | 1 | |
2477 | Hypena proboscidalis | Snout | 2 |
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Species List for 26/6/2015
Despite the warmer weather a slightly disappointly night with 124 moths of 36 species. Two NFY.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals | |
17 | Hepialus lupulinus | Common Swift | 9 | |
672 | Depressaria heraclei | Parsnip Moth | 1 | |
787 | Bryotropha terrella | 1 | ||
937 | Agapeta hamana | 2 | ||
998 | Epiphyas postvittana | Light Brown Apple Moth | 7 | |
1063 | Celypha striana | 2 | ||
1293 | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass-veneer | 1 | |
1294 | Crambus pascuella | 1 | ||
1334 | Scoparia ambigualis | 0 | 1 | |
1428 | Aphomia sociella | Bee Moth | 2 | |
1690 | Scopula imitaria | Small Blood-vein | 1 | NFY |
1764 | Chloroclysta truncata | Common Marbled Carpet | 1 | |
1765 | Cidaria fulvata | Barred Yellow | 1 | NFY |
1834 | Eupithecia vulgata | Common Pug | 2 | |
1906 | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth | 1 | |
1931 | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth | 5 | |
1937 | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty | 1 | |
1991 | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth | 5 | |
1992 | Deilephila porcellus | Small Elephant Hawk-moth | 1 | |
2060 | Spilosoma lubricipeda | White Ermine | 2 | |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 5 | |
2088 | Agrotis clavis | Heart and Club | 6 | |
2089 | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 32 | |
2098 | Axylia putris | Flame | 1 | |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 2 | |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 15 | |
2123 | Diarsia rubi | Small Square-spot | 2 | |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 2 | |
2202 | Mythimna l-album | L-album Wainscot | 1 | |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 4 | |
2337x | Oligia strigilis agg. | Marbled Minor agg. | 1 | |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 1 | |
2387 | Caradrina morpheus | Mottled Rustic | 1 | |
2434 | Diachrysia chrysitis | Burnished Brass | 1 | |
2441 | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | 2 | |
2450 | Abrostola tripartita | Spectacle | 1 |
Species List for 25/6/2015
A moderate night with 127 moths of 46 species. Four new species for the year.
Code | Taxon | Vernacular | Individuals | |
14 | Hepialus humuli | Ghost Moth | 1 | |
17 | Hepialus lupulinus | Common Swift | 5 | |
787 | Bryotropha terrella | 1 | ||
970 | Pandemis cerasana | Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix | 1 | NFY |
998 | Epiphyas postvittana | Light Brown Apple Moth | 6 | |
1002 | Lozotaenia forsterana | 1 | ||
1063 | Celypha striana | 2 | ||
1082 | Hedya pruniana | Plum Tortrix | 2 | |
1293 | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass-veneer | 4 | |
1334 | Scoparia ambigualis | 1 | ||
1344 | Eudonia mercurella | 1 | ||
1356 | Evergestis forficalis | Garden Pebble | 1 | |
1713 | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave | 1 | |
1724 | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | Red Twin-spot Carpet | 1 | |
1764 | Chloroclysta truncata | Common Marbled Carpet | 1 | |
1827 | Eupithecia intricata | Freyer's Pug | 1 | |
1834 | Eupithecia vulgata | Common Pug | 1 | |
1931 | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth | 3 | |
1958 | Lomographa temerata | Clouded Silver | 1 | |
1961 | Campaea margaritata | Light Emerald | 1 | |
1976 | Sphinx ligustri | Privet Hawk-moth | 1 | |
1980 | Smerinthus ocellata | Eyed Hawk-moth | 1 | |
1991 | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth | 3 | |
1992 | Deilephila porcellus | Small Elephant Hawk-moth | 1 | |
1994 | Phalera bucephala | Buff-tip | 1 | |
2047 | Eilema complana | Scarce Footman | 1 | |
2061 | Spilosoma luteum | Buff Ermine | 3 | |
2087 | Agrotis segetum | Turnip Moth | 1 | |
2088 | Agrotis clavis | Heart and Club | 11 | |
2089 | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and Dart | 34 | |
2098 | Axylia putris | Flame | 1 | |
2102 | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder | 1 | |
2107 | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing | 10 | |
2126 | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 3 | |
2147 | Hada plebeja | Shears | 1 | |
2160 | Lacanobia oleracea | Bright-line Brown-eye | 1 | |
2194 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | 1 | |
2302 | Rusina ferruginea | Brown Rustic | 1 | |
2321 | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches | 7 | |
2322 | Apamea lithoxylaea | Light Arches | 1 | NFY |
2380 | Charanyca trigrammica | Treble Lines | 1 | |
2384 | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine's Rustic | 1 | |
2387 | Caradrina morpheus | Mottled Rustic | 1 | |
2403 | Heliothis peltigera | Bordered Straw | 1 | |
2434 | Diachrysia chrysitis | Burnished Brass | 2 | |
2469 | Scoliopteryx libatrix | Herald | 1 | NFY |
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