A windy night and therefore few moths, just 36 of ten species. In addition Jack found a Convoluvulus Hawk moth on a cottage wall down the road.
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
| Code |
Taxon |
Vernacular |
Individuals |
998 |
Epiphyas postvittana |
Light Brown Apple Moth |
3 |
1395 |
Udea ferrugalis |
Rusty-dot Pearl |
2 |
1716 |
Rhodometra sacraria |
Vestal |
1 |
1764 |
Chloroclysta truncata |
Common Marbled Carpet |
5 |
1972 |
Agrius convolvuli |
Convolvulus Hawk-moth |
1 |
2087 |
Agrotis segetum |
Turnip Moth |
1 |
2107 |
Noctua pronuba |
Large Yellow Underwing |
7 |
2232 |
Aporophyla nigra |
Black Rustic |
2 |
2255 |
Polymixis lichenea scillonea |
Feathered Ranunculus |
13 |
2441 |
Autographa gamma |
Silver Y |
1 |
The various "traps" used over the week varied from the sophisiticated to the crude.
I brought the
Actinic tube and el;ectrics with the intention of finding a cardboard
box in the shop to make a temporary trap, but on the way up from the
Scillonian I found this plastic box in the dust-bin enclosure on Porth
Mellon beach. During the week it attracted 384 moths of 27 species.
collapsible garden waste container, a piece of thin ply and a sawn off
plastic funnel were the basis for this 80W MV trap. The electrics were
taken from an old strip light and the cheapest waterproof box I could
find. I fixed it on my tripod at night. It was usually higher than this,
but I lowered it in the high wind. This is a "
Heath Robinson"
trap (my joke!). Rather disappointing in it's performance, as it missed
all the real goodies, but did have the Mecyna asinalis, a tick for me.
I placed it a sheltered part of the garden, where the light didn't shine in any windows, possible it was too hidden for the best results. During the week it attracted 341 moths of 28 species.

Jack and Josh's Heath trap came up with the goods, including the
Slender Burnished Brass, Speckled Crimson and one of the Convolvulus
Hawk-moths (the one today was on the wall of the cottage down the road
where our friends, Alex, Jason and Katie, were staying). I was in a
prime position, and although the vanes are nor good in high wind, it was
well sheltered and stable.A clear view across the sea probably made it
the number one target. During the week it attracted 491 moths of 38
Sam's Heath trap was on site on the 29th and 30th, During two days it attracted 94 moths of 17 species.