Passenger, caught 23/9/2006 (National moth night).

Mothing at St Margaret's

Most of the Moth lists and Photographs are from my garden (TR359450) in the village of St Margaret's at Cliffe in Kent. It is situated about 1Km from the sea and has farmland with in 100 metres. The garden is well shrubbed and about 1600 sq metres. I normally run a 125 MV lamp and a 15W actinic light over-night and once the season gets going a couple of other traps. At the moment both are 25W black Lamps. previously I used a 160W blended lamp in one of them. All traps are home made. Trapping dates refer to the date the trap was put out.

Trap Update in 2017. A new 125W MV Robinson was added to a 125W MV Skinner, 15W Actinic Skinner, two 80W MV Morris modified Skinners and a 80W MVMorris Box trap.
Traps are now (2020 onwards) 2x 125W Robinsons, 2x 80W Skinner type and 1x 15W Actinic strip light on a Skinner type .

I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.

Friday, 28 May 2010

A Tort, a Pyrale and a Depressaria?

Tort - Might be Cochylis dubitana? Wing span about 14mm


Pyrale - Looks very pointy but at this time of year it could be ambigualis. A bit early for Eudonia augustea, which is very arrow like.

Pyrale (on 2mm grid)

I really should know this one, is it a Depressaria?

Macros- For Confirmation /help!

Chamomile Shark/Shark - Having seen the photos I'm less sure that it is a Chamomile Shark rather than a Shark.

Cucculia species

Cucculia species

Mullein - I don't catch many Mullein, but I assume that this isn't one of the rarer look-a-likes.



Carpet - Grey Pine or Spruce

Thera species

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Species List for 24/5/2010 and 26/5/2010

Both evenings were quite cold. I think that the Chanomile Shark is right, it seems to have the black viens through the margin and the timing is right. Similarly I think the Mullein is right and not one of its look-a-likes. Pictures to follow.


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
1768 Thera obeliscata Grey Pine Carpet 1
1825 Eupithecia centaureata Lime-speck Pug 1
1920 Odontopera bidentata Scalloped Hazel 1
2060 Spilosoma lubricipeda White Ermine 1
2078 Nola confusalis Least Black Arches 1
2087 Agrotis segetum Turnip Moth 1
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 6
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 11
2147 Hada plebeja Shears 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2221 Shargacucullia verbasci Mullein 1
2380 Charanyca trigrammica Treble Lines 2
2384 Hoplodrina ambigua Vine's Rustic 1
2389 Paradrina clavipalpis Pale Mottled Willow 1
2441 Autographa gamma Silver Y 1
2450 Abrostola tripartita Spectacle 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 3
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 4
2160 Lacanobia oleracea Bright-line Brown-eye 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2214 Cucullia chamomillae Chamomile Shark 1
2306 Phlogophora meticulosa Angle Shades 1

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Species List for 24/5/2010

A few first for the year, Spectacle, Silver Y, Shears and Small Elephant Hawkmoth.

Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
17 Hepialus lupulinus Common Swift 1
998 Epiphyas postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth 1
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 3
1936 Menophra abruptaria Waved Umber 1
1992 Deilephila porcellus Small Elephant Hawk-moth 1
2019 Clostera curtula Chocolate-tip 2
2060 Spilosoma lubricipeda White Ermine 2
2087 Agrotis segetum Turnip Moth 2
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 2
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 3
2102 Ochropleura plecta Flame Shoulder 1
2147 Hada plebeja Shears 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2284x Acronicta tridens/psi Grey Dagger / Dark Dagger 1
2289 Acronicta rumicis Knot Grass 1
2380 Charanyca trigrammica Treble Lines 3
2384 Hoplodrina ambigua Vine's Rustic 1
2441 Autographa gamma Silver Y 1
2450 Abrostola tripartita Spectacle 1

Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet ?

I think that this is a Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, but as usual with this species pair I still have some doubts, as I know that the "notch" feature is considerd unreliable now.

Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)?

Monday, 24 May 2010

Pugs form the last three days

Pug One
This one looks a bit worn. The grid is 2mm squares so the wingspan is about 19mm. (Ochreous Pug [Ben]).

Pug Two

This looks most like a Mottled Pug to me. (Double-striped Pug [Ben])

Pug Three - V Pug

No problem with this one.

Pug four

Very worn, wing span 19-20mm.( Double-striped Pug [Ben])

Pug five

Another worn Pug that refused to lie flat, wing span about 19mm. ( Double-striped Pug [Ben])

Pug Six - Common Pug

This look OK for Common Pug to me. OK

Pug Seven

Not sure but this looks most like an Oak-tree Pug to me, but with no certainty!

Species List for 21/5/2010 to 23/5/2010

A better variety as the weather improves. The first Hawkmoth of the year was an eyed,


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
998 Epiphyas postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth 1
1288 Alucita hexadactyla Twenty-plume Moth 1
1725 Xanthorhoe ferrugata Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1
1834 Eupithecia vulgata Common Pug 1
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 5
2028 Calliteara pudibunda Pale Tussock 1
2063 Diaphora mendica Muslin Moth 1
2078 Nola confusalis Least Black Arches 1
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 5
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 9
2102 Ochropleura plecta Flame Shoulder 2
2126 Xestia c-nigrum Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
2179 Panolis flammea Pine Beauty 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 3
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1
2387 Caradrina morpheus Mottled Rustic 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
1920 Odontopera bidentata Scalloped Hazel 1
1980 Smerinthus ocellata Eyed Hawk-moth 1
2060 Spilosoma lubricipeda White Ermine 1
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 2
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 6
2179 Panolis flammea Pine Beauty 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
1651 Cilix glaucata Chinese Character 1
1883 Acasis viretata Yellow-barred Brindle 1
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 1
1931 Biston betularia Peppered Moth 2
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 6
2126 Xestia c-nigrum Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2380 Charanyca trigrammica Treble Lines 1

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Species List for 13/5/2010 to 20/5/2010

A somewhat better catch last night, with a few more interesting moths. I've still got three pugs and two micros to do, but I didn't get time for photos yesterday.


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
1651 Cilix glaucata Chinese Character 1
1747 Anticlea derivata Streamer 1
1834 Eupithecia vulgata Common Pug 1
1858 Chloroclystis v-ata V-Pug 1
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 6
1936 Menophra abruptaria Waved Umber 2
1958 Lomographa temerata Clouded Silver 1
1994 Phalera bucephala Buff-tip 1
2007 Pheosia tremula Swallow Prominent 1
2015 Drymonia ruficornis Lunar Marbled Brown 1
2078 Nola confusalis Least Black Arches 3
2087 Agrotis segetum Turnip Moth 1
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 4
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 6
2179 Panolis flammea Pine Beauty 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 8
2188 Orthosia incerta Clouded Drab 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 2
2236 Lithophane hepatica Pale Pinion 1
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1
2422 Pseudoips prasinana Green Silver-lines 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 1
1936 Menophra abruptaria Waved Umber 1
2019 Clostera curtula Chocolate-tip 1
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 3
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 2
2188 Orthosia incerta Clouded Drab 1
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
1724 Xanthorhoe spadicearia Red Twin-spot Carpet 1
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 3
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 2
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 2
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 3
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3
2384 Hoplodrina ambigua Vine's Rustic 1
2389 Paradrina clavipalpis Pale Mottled Willow 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2078 Nola confusalis Least Black Arches 1
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 2
2380 Charanyca trigrammica Treble Lines 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2186 Orthosia gracilis Powdered Quaker 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 4


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 2
2186 Orthosia gracilis Powdered Quaker 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 2
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 1
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Species List for 4/5/2010 to 12/5/2010

There has been no improvement in the catches since I last posted. Single Flame Shoulder and Heart and Club have recognised that spring should be here, but with a northerly wind and temperatures down to three or four degrees C over night it has been very disappointing.


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 2


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 2
2186 Orthosia gracilis Powdered Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2088 Agrotis clavis Heart and Club 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 2
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 3
2188 Orthosia incerta Clouded Drab 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2102 Ochropleura plecta Flame Shoulder 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 5
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 3
2258 Conistra vaccinii Chestnut 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 4

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Species List for 29/4/2010 to 3/5/2010

The 29th April promised some improvement, but then the bank holiday weather syndrome arrived. May 2nd was so cold and very wet that I didn't run the traps, even though I had dried them out from the previous night. I wasted my time by running them on the 3rd. The Scarce Tissue on the 29th was new for the garden (and me). A few Diamond backs were the first migrants.


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
464 Plutella xylostella Diamond-back Moth 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
2063 Diaphora mendica Muslin Moth 2
2186 Orthosia gracilis Powdered Quaker 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 2
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
464 Plutella xylostella Diamond-back Moth 2
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 1
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 3
2243 Xylocampa areola Early Grey 1


Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
464 Plutella xylostella Diamond-back Moth 2
1724 Xanthorhoe spadicearia Red Twin-spot Carpet 1
1834 Eupithecia vulgata Common Pug 1
1862 Gymnoscelis rufifasciata Double-striped Pug 2
2063 Diaphora mendica Muslin Moth 1
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
2186 Orthosia gracilis Powdered Quaker 1
2187 Orthosia cerasi Common Quaker 13
2190 Orthosia gothica Hebrew Character 2
2289 Acronicta rumicis Knot Grass 1

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