Passenger, caught 23/9/2006 (National moth night).

Mothing at St Margaret's

Most of the Moth lists and Photographs are from my garden (TR359450) in the village of St Margaret's at Cliffe in Kent. It is situated about 1Km from the sea and has farmland with in 100 metres. The garden is well shrubbed and about 1600 sq metres. I normally run a 125 MV lamp and a 15W actinic light over-night and once the season gets going a couple of other traps. At the moment both are 25W black Lamps. previously I used a 160W blended lamp in one of them. All traps are home made. Trapping dates refer to the date the trap was put out.

Trap Update in 2017. A new 125W MV Robinson was added to a 125W MV Skinner, 15W Actinic Skinner, two 80W MV Morris modified Skinners and a 80W MVMorris Box trap.
Traps are now (2020 onwards) 2x 125W Robinsons, 2x 80W Skinner type and 1x 15W Actinic strip light on a Skinner type .

I try and identify all the Macro Moths, with the micros I am not at all systematic, I do more than I used to with the help of the new book, but there are some that do get through.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Species List for 19/7/2008

Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
874 Blastobasis lacticolella
1063 Celypha striana
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella Garden Grass-veneer 3
1302 Crambus perlella
1378 Phlyctaenia coronata
1428 Aphomia sociella Bee Moth 1
1651 Cilix glaucata Chinese Character 1
1653 Habrosyne pyritoides Buff Arches 1
1690 Scopula imitaria Small Blood-vein 1
1699 Idaea rusticata atrosignaria Least Carpet 1
1702 Idaea biselata Small Fan-footed Wave 2
1713 Idaea aversata Riband Wave 3
1804 Perizoma bifaciata Barred Rivulet 1
1917 Selenia dentaria Early Thorn 1
1922 Ourapteryx sambucaria Swallow-tailed Moth 3
1931 Biston betularia Peppered Moth 5
1991 Deilephila elpenor Elephant Hawk-moth 1
1994 Phalera bucephala Buff-tip 1
2030 Euproctis similis Yellow-tail 1
2050 Eilema lurideola Common Footman 3
2061 Spilosoma luteum Buff Ermine 5
2088 Agrotis clavis Heart and Club 2
2098 Axylia putris Flame 2
2102 Ochropleura plecta Flame Shoulder 2
2107 Noctua pronuba Large Yellow Underwing 7
2109 Noctua comes Lesser Yellow Underwing 1
2111 Noctua janthe Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1
2128 Xestia triangulum Double Square-spot 1
2155 Melanchra persicariae Dot Moth 1
2198 Mythimna impura Smoky Wainscot 1
2284x Acronicta tridens/psi Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger 3
2321 Apamea monoglypha Dark Arches 8
2322 Apamea lithoxylaea Light Arches 1
2337x Oligia strigilis agg. Marbled Minor agg. 1
2381 Hoplodrina alsines Uncertain 15
2399 Pyrrhia umbra Bordered Sallow 1

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Species list for 1/7/2008

Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
14 Hepialus humuli Ghost Moth 1
17 Hepialus lupulinus Common Swift 1
216 Nemapogon cloacella Cork Moth 1
647 Hofmannophila pseudospretella Brown House Moth 2
874 Blastobasis lacticolella   1
977 Archips podana Large Fruit-tree Tortrix 1
998 Epiphyas postvittana Light Brown Apple Moth 2
1002 Lozotaenia forsterana   1
1063 Celypha striana   2
1201 Eucosma cana   1
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella Garden Grass-veneer 33
1302 Crambus perlella   7
1336 Eudonia pallida   1
1376 Eurrhypara hortulata Small Magpie 4
1428 Aphomia sociella Bee Moth 1
1439 Trachycera advenella   1
1458 Myelois circumvoluta Thistle Ermine 1
1524 Emmelina monodactyla   1
1707 Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave 1
1711 Idaea trigeminata Treble Brown Spot 1
1713 Idaea aversata Riband Wave 2
1728 Xanthorhoe fluctuata Garden Carpet 2
1758 Eulithis pyraliata Barred Straw 2
1825 Eupithecia centaureata Lime-speck Pug 1
1858 Chloroclystis v-ata V-Pug 1
1860 Pasiphila rectangulata Green Pug 2
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 1
1921 Crocallis elinguaria Scalloped Oak 1
1931 Biston betularia Peppered Moth 2
1941 Alcis repandata Mottled Beauty 5
1958 Lomographa temerata Clouded Silver 3
1976 Sphinx ligustri Privet Hawk-moth 1
1981 Laothoe populi Poplar Hawk-moth 1
1991 Deilephila elpenor Elephant Hawk-moth 4
1994 Phalera bucephala Buff-tip 1
2050 Eilema lurideola Common Footman 1
2061 Spilosoma luteum Buff Ermine 3
2088 Agrotis clavis Heart and Club 19
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 25
2092 Agrotis puta Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
2098 Axylia putris Flame 6
2102 Ochropleura plecta Flame Shoulder 2
2107 Noctua pronuba Large Yellow Underwing 49
2109 Noctua comes Lesser Yellow Underwing 3
2126 Xestia c-nigrum Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
2128 Xestia triangulum Double Square-spot 1
2155 Melanchra persicariae Dot Moth 2
2173 Hadena bicruris Lychnis 1
2278 Acronicta megacephala Poplar Grey 2
2279 Acronicta aceris Sycamore 3
2284x Acronicta tridens/psi Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger 4
2295 Cryphia muralis Marbled Green 1
2321 Apamea monoglypha Dark Arches 8
2337 Oligia strigilis Marbled Minor 2
2337x Oligia strigilis agg. Marbled Minor agg. 2
2381 Hoplodrina alsines Uncertain 6
2382 Hoplodrina blanda Rustic 5
2384 Hoplodrina ambigua Vine's Rustic 1
2387 Caradrina morpheus Mottled Rustic 4
2389 Paradrina clavipalpis Pale Mottled Willow 1
2441 Autographa gamma Silver Y 2
2489 Zanclognatha tarsipennalis Fan-foot 1

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Daily list for 30/6/2008

Code Taxon Vernacular Individuals
17 Hepialus lupulinus Common Swift 1
1002 Lozotaenia forsterana   1
1063 Celypha striana   1
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella Garden Grass-veneer 9
1302 Crambus perlella   1
1376 Eurrhypara hortulata Small Magpie 3
1711 Idaea trigeminata Treble Brown Spot 1
1713 Idaea aversata Riband Wave 1
1906 Opisthograptis luteolata Brimstone Moth 1
1931 Biston betularia Peppered Moth 2
1941 Alcis repandata Mottled Beauty 1
1976 Sphinx ligustri Privet Hawk-moth 2
1991 Deilephila elpenor Elephant Hawk-moth 1
1994 Phalera bucephala Buff-tip 1
2047 Eilema complana Scarce Footman 1
2061 Spilosoma luteum Buff Ermine 8
2087 Agrotis segetum Turnip Moth 1
2088 Agrotis clavis Heart and Club 9
2089 Agrotis exclamationis Heart and Dart 15
2098 Axylia putris Flame 8
2102 Ochropleura plecta Flame Shoulder 1
2107 Noctua pronuba Large Yellow Underwing 18
2109 Noctua comes Lesser Yellow Underwing 1
2126 Xestia c-nigrum Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
2160 Lacanobia oleracea Bright-line Brown-eye 1
2164 Hecatera bicolorata Broad-barred White 1
2278 Acronicta megacephala Poplar Grey 1
2284x Acronicta tridens/psi Dark Dagger / Grey Dagger 1
2321 Apamea monoglypha Dark Arches 6
2381 Hoplodrina alsines Uncertain 5
2384 Hoplodrina ambigua Vine's Rustic 1
2387 Caradrina morpheus Mottled Rustic 4
2477 Hypena proboscidalis Snout 1

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